Predict Your Season


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Feb 8, 2015
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no - not just the finishing position, but a bit more about your team and how you expect them to perform.

Style in a nutshell: Hoofy, but with good enough players to get the ball down and play in the final third.

If you've got better players than us (yer Brums, Boltons etc) we'll turn the game into a midfield scrapathon, but we can and will play more of a passing game if your players aren't so hot.

Decent blend of pace and physicality in the team.

Like I say, there *are* some decent footballers in there, but we're not one of those teams that thinks they're lower league Barcelona and pings it round endlessly without ever getting anywhere.

Not that great at set pieces.

Not good at breaking down 10 men behind the ball teams.

Even though we have some fast individual players, our pace of attack tends to be too slow, and gives the opposition plenty of time to get back and organised.

What would be a successful season?
Between a playoff spot (unlikely though) and 10th (last season's finish).

What would be a failed season?
Flirting seriously with relegation at any point. This is Bloomfield's second full season in charge, it's his squad now, no excuses.

Will your manager still be in charge at the end of the season?
Yeah, don't see why not. We were fucking dreadful for most of the first half of last season (17 games without a league win, was it?), but I think Bloomfield's learned his lesson, and we finished the season strongly.

Leading Scorer
Richard Kone - guessing at 10 goals. Recruited from non-league last January, this is his first full season with us, and there's flashes of serious potential there.
Like I say though, we can be very predictable in attack, which may hold him back.
One of those players though where he sometimes doesn't look like he knows what he's doing though...which can also confuse the hell out of the defence!

Unknown Quantities
Daniel Harvie - LB - we signed him from Franchise and some of their fans said he was shit.

Nathan Bishop - GK - signed on loan from Sunderland. We tried to sign him on loan a few seasons back (when he was still with Manyoo) and the loan got pulled at the last minute...we must really rate him to try and get him back.

Player of the Season
Josh Scowen - again. Everyone loves a grafting midfield hardman.

We have to be one of the mildest fanbases in the league for this, but I can see the aforementioned Harvie being an unpopular character (given his Franchise heritage) if he *does* turn out to be a poor signing.

If you blow the first half of the season, can you buy your way out of trouble?
Now owned by an elusive Georgian billionaire, so I'm guessing yes. But time will tell, considering we now have a sugar daddy with deep pockets, we signed surprisingly sensibly in the close season and don't have the signs of a team who's shit or bust Going For It™.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2015
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Flintshire UK
Style in a nutshell:

We've got a reputation as a hoofball team but I think we are better than that. Yes we can go long but there are good players in the team who can play football. We are happy to let teams have possession and then we break with speed utilising our wing backs and getting the ball into the box as much as possible. We have been quite successful with dead ball situations over the last few seasons and I don't expect that to change (even without the Tozer long throw). Combative and not afraid of the dark arts when needed.

Strengths :

The togetherness that comes from two successful seasons. A team full of strong characters. On paper we have decent depth in most positions.


Currently we are quite light up front. Mullin should be fine at this level but otherwise we haven't upgraded from last season yet.

We expect one or two attacking signings before the window shuts.

what would be a successful season

a historic third promotion in a row. Personally I'd count a solid mid table finish (hopefully flirting with the play offs) and a decent cup run as a good season.

What would be a failed season

Relegation. Just wouldn't be to script.

Will your manager still be in charge at the end of the season?

I'd imagine so. Parkinson has quite a lot of good will banked. He'd have to completely lose the plot, or the owners find someone who works better on TV.

Leading Scorer

Hard to look past Paul Mullin after 102 goals in 135 appearances. It's a step up again and he didn't score a great deal the only other time he's been at this level but he's a different player now.

Unknown Quantities

Of the new signings Seb Revan and Lewis Brunt, despite good loan moves last season, are still relatively inexperienced players. Whilst most of our squad have decent L1 experience we have players like Max Cleworth, Jacob Mendy and Ryan Barnett who don't so will be interesting to see how they get on.

Player of the Season

A few possible candidates but I'm going for Elliott Lee.


Probably poor old Will Boyle. Had horrendous luck last season which has made him look worse than he is (a no nonsense defender of the old school). Every mistake will get jumped on. Although he's unlikely to play too much.

If you blow the first half of the season, can you buy your way out of trouble?

Yes if we need to. Dip into that Disney money.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2015
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Style in a nutshell:
Wellensball. We’ll try to control possession and piss about with it at the back, looking to draw the opposition on and create a quality opening to beat the press and strike like a cobra. Not very effective against teams with a low block or a perfectly-executed press, but it’s reasonably pleasing on the eye with little in the way of lumping it unless strictly necessary.

The manager. We’d been adrift following Justin Edinburgh’s passing, but Wellens’ personality and philosophy reinvigorated the whole club. We have a strong core of hardworking young players and tend to spread the goals around so we’re usually in the game as an attacking force.

Dan Agyei’s hamstrings, Theo Archibald’s tendons and Jordan Graham’s knee. Our first-choice front three were all long-term injury victims for the majority of last season and a repeat will see us struggle to escape a congested bottom half.

There’s also a horrid Idris El-Mizouni-shaped hole in the vital #8 role. Not an exaggeration to say that whoever replaces him will dictate the trajectory of our entire season.

What would be a successful season?
Playoffs are an unrealistic goal this season, although there is usually one unfancied club that makes a damn good run at them. If we avoid last year’s crippling injuries I can see us challenging for ‘best of the rest’ places around halfway again.

What would be a failed season?
Relegation. Anything else is varying degrees of success. Bottom 8 would be a disappointment, but by no means a disaster.

Will your manager still be in charge at the end of the season?
Like all Northerners, Wellens loves a good moan and he’s not shy about putting a bit of public pressure on the directors to provide some wiggle room in the budget. But having been screwed over at Salford and Doncaster he knows he’s on to a good thing in E10 and I doubt we’d sack him for anything other than gross misconduct. He’ll be here unless a Championship club comes in for him.

Leading scorer
Last year’s top scorer Ruel Sotiriou has headed for new pastures, but his loss likely won’t be felt overmuch. Dan Agyei will be lead marksman if he stays fit; Charlie Kelman fits Wellensball like a glove, so he might be if Agyei doesn’t.

Unknown quantities
Prodigal Sonny Perkins has arrived back in E10 via the Wet Hamsters and Leeds. Obvious talent with no obvious position and no obvious role in Wellens’ system. Deeply unsure what impact he’s likely to have.

Ex-Everton youngster Lewis Warrington looks set for a midfield berth. Never seen him play but he’s going to have to be very impressive to replace El Miz. Will be interesting to see how he copes with the pressure and develops over the season.

Player of the season
With Wellens finally giving up on overpaid chubster George Moncur, the attacking midfield role should go to diminutive Northern Irishman Ethan Galbraith. He is, to use the parlance of the youth of today, a sick baller who gives off wicked vibes. Best player at the club IMHO.

That said, with the way we usually defend it’ll be the new goalkeeper, Hemming.

Captain Omar Beckles isn’t much of a footballer and his defensive error-strewn start to last season coupled with his regular shanks out of play make him an obvious target. However, ball-playing, worldie-scoring fullback Tom James seems to catch the brunt of the fans’ ire for some reason.

That said we’re a proper London club and therefore much prefer getting on our team’s back than supporting it, so virtually everyone is fair game.

If you blow the first half of the season, can you buy your way out of trouble?
In this economy? Unlikely.
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Active Member
May 31, 2023
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Style in a nutshell: Typical Nathan Jones football, utilising wingbacks and big men up top - playing lots of long direct balls

The manager. Probably one of the best at this level and has signed well. We have quite good depth in lots of positions.

Lowest scorers from set pieces last season, that will need to change. Our defence last season was woeful and still looks a bit off it in pre season, will need a big improvement to do well.

What would be a successful season?
Top 10 after last seasons disaster but most fans won't settle for anything less than playoffs.

What would be a failed season?
Bottom half

Will your manager still be in charge at the end of the season?
I hope so. I do think he will be afforded time no matter what but we have seen Jones go a bit crazy when things don't go well.

Leading Scorer
We have Aneke, Kanu, Leaburn, Godden and Ahadme, all of who are good strikers. Leaburn won't be back until October so I'll go for Ahadme as think he's most likely to be starting throughout the season

Unknown Quantities
Kayne Ramsay - looks like he could be really solid but currently unproven at league one level after getting injured after being brought in from Harrogate in January

Kaheim Dixon - very raw player brought in from the Jamaican league.

Player of the Season
Greg Docherty

There will be a few, our fans love doing this.

Already in preseason Connor Coventry and Macauley Gillesphey are being scapegoated, with Tyreece Campbell and Karoy Anderson other favourites to be the scapegoat.

I'll go for Gillesphey as can see the defence struggling again

If you blow the first half of the season, can you buy your way out of trouble?
Probably not. We are wanting to bring in players now but can't as we need to shift players first and are struggling to do so

Luke Imp

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
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Lincoln City
Style in a nutshell
We went from risk averse, passive, mind-numbing Kennedy-ball in the first half of the season to a more free, exciting and attacking style in the second half having dismantled and rebuilt the front line.

From what I've seen in the two PSF's I've watched, we seem to be hitting diagonals a bit more than I was expecting and our press is much higher as well, committing more players to it. We're still playing some good stuff thought and look to pass the ball into the box as quickly as possible without any faffing about with possession for the sake of possession.

I suspect the absence of Hamilton and McGrandles has resulted in the diagonals a bit more so we might play through midfield more often when they're back.

The back three haven't changed and they were solid last season and the depth in CM and attacking areas will hopefully remedy our achilles heel last season, even if arguably our second and third CM options are injured!

Tom Hamer's long throw. It's been years since we've had one and I don't think we'll be shy in using it - how many we end up scoring is anyone's guess because long throws never really seem a massive source of goals at any level.

Probably pace at the back, we're not blessed with it at CB and if teams manage to get out the press then we could be in trouble as Arsenal did two or three times to us last weekend.

Lack of pace in behind, someone with genuine pace.

LWB - we don't have one, only two wingers who are trying to play there.

What would be a successful season?
In keeping with last season the PO's but realistically, Top 10.

What would be a failed season?
Probably bottom half, although our budget was 15th (I think) in L1 last season so we really overperformed.

Will your manager still be in charge at the end of the season?
I'd be gobsmacked if he wasn't, especially if the second half of last season is what we've got to look forward to in his first full season. We've sacked one manager in the last decade.

Leading Scorer
Difficult one because it's not been too often we've had out and out goal scorers and have spread them quite well throughout the side. We've got more back to goal, hard working type strikers than threat in behind. Probably go for House because he should be targeting 8-12 goal a season really.

Unknown Quantities
Probably the guys stepping up from L2 - midfielders JJ McKiernan and Dom Jefferies. Never quite know if L2 players are going to step up well enough and especially into a side who just missed out on the PO's last season.

Player of the Season
It'll be Erhahon is he stays, he's a Rolls-Royce of a midfielder.

To be honest, I'm not sure I see one at the minute but if there is, I think it'll be Tom Bayliss just because of his position, attacking midfield, and those kinda players flit in and out of games and don't always enjoy the defensive side of it.

If you blow the first half of the season, can you buy your way out of trouble?
Not particularly. Under Appleton three seasons ago we increased the budget by £300k in January and that was a one-off so we're not ones that can do that.

Less than a mile (WAFC)

Active Member
Jul 24, 2023
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Style in a nutshell: Less hoofball than people will have you believe. We rely on our wide players to create for us. Normally 5 at the back 5-3-2.

Strengths: Momentum and home advantage.

Our forwards aside from Mullin. Parkinson's inability to know and leave his best defence as it is.

What would be a successful season? Play off contention.

What would be a failed season? Relegation, 1st round FA cup exit, losing to Shrewsbury at home or something.

Will your manager still be in charge at the end of the season? I would really hope so. Unfortunately too many of our fans are quick to get on his back.

Leading Scorer. Mullin.

Unknown Quantities. Can Cleworth continue making the step up.

Player of the Season.

Scapegoat. As alluded to before, Parkinson would likely be the one to get unfair stick.

denzel ecfc

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
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Exeter City
Style in a nutshell:

We had a good reputation but of course it could be a bit dull. I think we will be a bit more direct this year, thankfully


If Mitchell can get fit we should have some good width and pace. Big if that.
Looks like we have a solid defence with Yfeko and Crama being added.


Not massive strength in depth especially up front so any injuries will affect us.

What would be a successful season?

Same as last season.

What would be a failed season?


Will your manager still be in charge at the end of the season?

Yes, probably, anyone else would have been sacked last December. it has to be the safest job in football.

Leading Scorer

High hopes for Millenic Alli.

Unknown Quantities

Joe Whitworth in goal. Is he too short?

Player of the Season

If we've had a good season, Alli. If we've had a bad one, Sweeney


Jack Aitchison, unless he somehow scores 20 goals.

If you blow the first half of the season, can you buy your way out of trouble?

Absolutely not. We own our football club, with all the ramifications that has.


Active Member
May 27, 2023
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Style in a nutshell:

Not entirely sure at this stage, have been a fairly compact 4-2-3-1 for most of our time in this division, defence first etc etc, but Monk is a different proposition. Seems to be leaning toward a back 3/5 that's more comfortable on the ball. Suspect we'll be chasing the difference of playing out from the back and moving through the lines, suspect more like the latter. Lots of question marks though, could be grand if it works a disaster if not.


How the hell should I know. Midfield was very weak last year but looks pretty tidy on paper. Defence was a (relative) strength but doesn't look like carrying over. I guess Liam Bennett and the impending Monkolution are the strengths.


Didn't have many goals in us anyway and it's a complete renewal up top, Loft comes highly praised from Vale fans and Football Weekly so I look forward to him topping the scoring charts.

What would be a successful season?

Staying up. Safety on the penultimate game would be nice. This division looks set to be nuts, big squeeze.

What would be a failed season?

Not staying up. Or not staying up and not beating B*ro at least once after last year.

Will your manager still be in charge at the end of the season?

After last season's drama, I refuse to answer this question without my solicitor present.

Leading Scorer

Doesn't play for us yet. If not, Lavery.

Unknown Quantities

The manager, Taylor RIchards,and basically anyone else we've signed, what the club crest will look like after this season, how the redevelopment plans keep ticking on and most importantly, how many clubs will call our scaffolding on an old terrace away seats tinpot next year. I'm going for 19 out of 23 visitors.

Player of the Season

Harrison Dunk.



Jack Stevens, Ben Strang, probably Brophy but that may subside with a more defence minded role.

If you blow the first half of the season, can you buy your way out of trouble?

I mean, not at all, no. But we have typically kept a bit of our modest budget back for January strengthening. Has been important in the end the last two seasons.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2020
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Style in a Nutshell

Poor mans Manchester City... Everything starts with Baxter and Santos then into Sheehan then if the opposition press it goes back to the wingbacks or Santos........Repeat.
Toal being on the left side of a three was our weakness playing like this. Toal will play on his natural Right this season with Jonnston recovered from a season long injury on the left.
Doubt we will see much of Santos standing on the ball this season and we will be looking to get it forward quicker


Our squad this year will be deep. Losing the full Spine through injury in Feb Baxter, Santos, Sheehan and Charles
Plus Injuries to Williams and Ogberta at lwb at crucial points right through to the play-off final.
Evatt Addressed that in the first fortnight back bringing Smallwood, Forino, Arfield and Lolos. Quality back up in each department plus he then paid 800k rising to a Million on Schon a 24 year old lwb with 8 full Caps for Hungry.


Santos on a bad day. Head and shoulders the best centre half outside the premier league but when he is bad he is awful.

What would be a Successful season

The Championship or the runners up spot. Anything else is failure this season

Will your Manager be in charge at the end of the season

See Above

Leading scorer

Charles if stays fit... Collins if not

Unknown Quantities

Schon at lwb and anyone we bring in between now and the deadline.

Player of the season

Collins or Santos


Santos/Evatt if we start bad....Cogley if we are up at the top

If we blow the first half of the season can we buy our way out of trouble

More than likely be shelling out for a new manager if we are not in the top 6 come September

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