Season 9 Statistics


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
2015–16 (SEASON 9) STATS

Season Statistics
#2 Top Scores
#3 Points per Week
#4 Success Rate
#5 Full Houses & Zeros
#6 Correct Match Predictions

Individual Statistics
#7 Super_horns/Murphy/Leewilson/Markface/DontBringBertie
#8 Nilsson/JustinQPR/Blitzballer/danbylfc/Veggie Legs
#9 smat/Jackinky/This Charming Mike/James/tommytez
#10 seashell/markpvfc/Mr Elmo/Tony Clifton/zawesx
#11 Stevencc/Eamonn/Ciderhead/Dave/G-Dragon
#12 tommy_b/Munkiki/Smudge/gunnerson/Sideshow Bob/epic73


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
Top Scores

1. Mr Elmo 74 (Week 30)
2. Markface 72 (Week 20)
3. Veggie Legs 62 (Week 25)
4. Leewilson 60 (Week 12)
5. DontBringBertie 58 (Week 32)
6. zawesx 56 (Week 5)
7. Cardsfan 54 (Week 16)
= Super_horns 54 (Week 26)
= Sideshow Bob 54 (Week 27)
= Markface 54 (Week 30)
= Veggie Legs 54 (Week 30)
= Eamonn 54 (Week 32)
= Jackinky 54 (Week 32)

Top Score by Season
2007–08: Jax 88
2008–09: Hamburglar 66
2009–10: Winch 74
2010–11: tommy_b 74
2011–12: Villaboy 68
2012–13: Eamonn 70
2013–14: killerblaze & This Charming Mike 70
2014–15: zawesx 62
2015–16: Mr Elmo 74


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
Points per Week

1. Chrismcfc 31.33 (94/3)
2. The Hand of Dom 30.00 (60/2)
3. Super_horns 27.55 (1047/38)
4. DontBringBertie 26.78 (991/37)
5. Nilsson 26.70 (988/37)
6. Leewilson 26.66 (1013/38)
7. smat 26.66 (933/35)
8. Murphy 26.61 (1011/38)
9. boltonwonderer26.50 (106/4)
10. Markface 26.42 (1004/38)

11. roversfan2001 26.00 (26/1)
12. Cardsfan 25.68 (642/25)
13. danbylfc 25.49 (943/37)
14. Blitzballer 25.46 (942/37)
15. JustinQPR 25.37 (964/38)
16. JJH 25.12 (829/33)
17. markpvfc 24.70 (914/37)
18. Jackinky 24.53 (932/38)
19. Eamonn 24.44 (831/34)
20. Veggie Legs 24.42 (928/38)

21. James 24.37 (926/38)
22. Mr Elmo 24.31 (875/36)
23. Tony Clifton 24.28 (874/36)
24. seashell 24.21 (920/38)
25. This Charming Mike 24.00 (912/38)
25. Grecian O'Grecian 24.00 (168/7)
25. JoshBCFC 24.00 (144/6)
28. tommytez 23.92 (909/38)
29. JoeJoeJoeJoe 22.80 (114/5)
30. zawesx 22.68 (862/38)

31. Stevencc 22.61 (859/38)
32. Abertawe 22.00 (198/9)
33. epic73 21.95 (461/21)
34. GarthK_HYUFC 21.83 (262/12)
35. Ciderhead 21.79 (828/38)
36. Sideshow Bob 21.71 (608/28)
37. JaseTheVillain 21.67 (130/6)
38. G-Dragon 21.63 (757/35)
39. gunnerson 21.30 (639/30)
40. Dave 21.28 (766/36)

41. Smudge 21.14 (740/35)
41. The One 21.14 (148/7)
43. SUTSS 21.00 (126/6)
44. cufc17 20.24 (344/17)
45. SALTIRE 20.05 (381/19)
46. tommy_b 19.63 (746/38)
47. Munkiki 19.58 (744/38)
48. ArmchairDieHard 19.00 (228/12)
49. skybluesalex 18.00 (18/1)
50. mikefooty 16.00 (16/1)
50. SC49 16.00 (32/2)
52. TRFC_FAN 14.00 (14/1)


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
Success Rate

1. JustinQPR .566
2. Super_horns .557
3. danbylfc .545
4. seashell .535
5. Blitzballer .532
6. Leewilson .526
7. Stevencc .509
8. Nilsson .505
9. Murphy .500
10. Markface .496

11. Mr Elmo .484
= Tony Clifton .484
13. DontBringBertie .482
= markpvfc .482
15. Jackinky .469
= James .469
17. This Charming Mike .465
= Veggie Legs .465
19. tommytez .462
20. Eamonn .461

21. smat .457
22. Smudge .448
23. Ciderhead .447
= zawesx .447
25. Dave .417
= Sideshow Bob .417
27. Munkiki .408
28. G-Dragon .405
29. gunnerson .404
30. tommy_b .368
31. epic73 .357


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
Full Houses

Week 3: Markface (46 – E F H N Q Z)
Week 12: JustinQPR (48 – C E F G H Z), Leewilson (60 – F H M P S Z)
Week 19: SALTIRE (42 – A E G J L Z), seashell (42 – B D I L O Z)
Week 20: Markface² (72 – F G Q X Y Z), Stevencc (51 – F G I J Y Z)
Week 22: Blitzballer (50 – A F L O W Z)
Week 24: seashell² (46 – B D L N W Z)
Week 25: Veggie Legs (62 – D K N V Y Z)
Week 30: Markface³ (54 – F G K L Y Z), Mr Elmo (74 – F K V X Y Z)
Week 34: Munkiki (42 – A F I J K Z)

Week 6: G-Dragon
Week 7: G-Dragon²
Week 8: James, Sideshow Bob
Week 9: tommytez
Week 15: ArmchairDieHard
Week 21: Ciderhead, danbylfc, Eamonn, JustinQPR, Nilsson, smat, Smudge, tommy_b, tommytez², Tony Clifton
Week 26: Sideshow Bob², Smudge²
Week 27: Dave, gunnerson
Week 28: Murphy
Week 29: Eamonn²
Week 31: DontBringBertie, G-Dragon³, Leewilson, tommytez³
Week 33: danbylfc², gunnerson²
Week 34: Smudge³
Week 36: Smudge⁴
Week 37: Mr Elmo
Week 38: epic73


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
Correct Match Predictions

DontBringBertie (BOU 1-1 LEI/WHU 1-1 EVE/MNU 0-0 CHE/ARS 2-1 LEI/LIV 1-1 TOT/EVE 2-1 BOU)

Eamonn (BOU 1-1 LEI/WHU 1-1 EVE/SWA 1-1 CPA/ARS 2-1 LEI/LIV 1-1 TOT)
Murphy (MNU 0-0 CHE/SWA 1-1 CPA/ARS 2-1 LEI/SUN 0-2 LEI/ARS 4-0 AST)

JustinQPR (WHU 1-1 EVE/AST 0-2 TOT/SUN 0-2 LEI/ARS 4-0 AST)
Leewilson (WHU 1-1 EVE/SWA 1-1 CPA/ARS 2-1 LEI/EVE 2-1 BOU)
Markface (WHU 2-0 LIV/ARS 2-1 LEI/AST 0-2 TOT/SUN 0-2 LEI)
markpvfc (WHU 1-1 EVE/MNU 0-0 CHE/SWA 1-1 CPA/SUN 0-2 LEI)
Super_Horns (BOU 1-1 LEI/MNU 0-0 CHE/ARS 2-1 LEI/EVE 2-1 BOU)
Veggie Legs (SWA 1-1 CPA/ARS 2-1 LEI/AST 0-2 TOT/EVE 2-1 BOU)

Jackinky (BOU 1-1 LEI/WHU 1-1 EVE/LIV 1-1 TOT)
Mr Elmo (WHU 1-1 EVE/MNU 0-0 CHE/AST 0-2 TOT)
This Charming Mike (SWA 0-3 LEI/STO 1-2 CPA/ARS 2-1 LEI)
tommytez (WHU 1-1 EVE/SWA 1-1 CPA/ARS 2-1 LEI)

Ciderhead (MNU 0-0 CHE/ARS 4-0 AST)
epic73 (ARS 2-1 LEI/EVE 2-1 BOU)
gunnerson (STO 1-2 CPA/EVE 2-1 BOU)
James (ARS 2-1 LEI/EVE 2-1 BOU)
Sideshow Bob (SUN 0-1 TOT/WHU 1-0 SUN)
tommy_b (SUN 0-1 TOT/EVE 2-1 BOU)
Tony Clifton (MNU 3-0 STO/EVE 2-1 BOU)
zawesx (BOU 1-1 LEI/SUN 0-1 TOT)

Blitzballer (SOU 3-1 SWA)
boltonwonderer (MNC 3-0 CHE)
Cardsfan (ARS 2-1 LEI)
danbylfc (SOU 3-1 SWA)
JoshBCFC (SUN 0-1 TOT)
Munkiki (BOU 3-0 NOR)
Nilsson (EVE 2-1 BOU)
seashell (SUN 0-1 TOT)
smat (SWA 1-1 CPA)
Stevencc (ARS 4-0 AST)
The Hand of Dom (NOR 1-3 CPA)
The One (BOU 1-1 LEI)


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
~~~ Super_horns ~~~

Total Points: 1,047
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 27.55
Success Rate: .557

High Score: 54 (Week 26)
Low Score: 6 (Week 31)
Most Common Score: 28 (Weeks 5, 29, 33 & 35); 22 (Weeks 3, 10, 24 & 27)

Weekly High Scores: 54 (Week 26)
Weekly Low Scores: none

Highest Position: 1st (Weeks 30-38)
Lowest Position: 12th (Weeks 2-3)
Most Occupied Position: 1st (Weeks 30-38)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 1st/31 – 1,047pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1

~~~ Murphy ~~~

Total Points: 1,026
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 26.61
Success Rate: .500

High Score: 52 (Week 25)
Low Score: 0 (Week 28)
Most Common Score: 38 (Weeks 3, 5 & 14); 26 (Weeks 23, 27 & 37); 20 (Weeks 24, 29 & 35); 18 (Weeks 22, 34 & 36); 6 (Weeks 8, 15 & 31)

Weekly High Scores: 36 (Week 10), 36 (Week 33), 40 (Week 38)
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 28)

Highest Position: 1st (Weeks 3-4, 20-21, 25-29)
Lowest Position: 7th (Week 9)
Most Occupied Position: 2nd (Weeks 1-2, 5-6, 14-19, 22-24, 30-33, 38)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 2nd/31 – 1,026pts (38/38) / QF 2-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 22nd/35 – 980pts (38/38) / QF 2-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 15th/31 – 1,164pts (38/38) / R3 1-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 24th/28 – 907pts (38/38) / R3 2-0-1

~~~ Leewilson ~~~

Total Points: 1,013
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 26.66
Success Rate: .526

High Score: 60 (Week 12)
Low Score: 0 (Week 31)
Most Common Score: 30 (Weeks 9, 18, 24, 26, 32 & 34)

Weekly High Scores: 60 (Week 12), 36 (Week 28), 40 (Week 35)
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 31)

Highest Position: 2nd (Weeks 35, 37)
Lowest Position: 38th (Week 2)
Most Occupied Position: 3rd (Weeks 12, 16, 29-32, 36, 38)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 3rd/31 – 1,013pts (38/38) / R3 1-2-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 2nd/35 – 1,152pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 12th/31 – 1,190pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 3rd/28 – 1,217pts (38/38) / R3 0-0-1
2011–12 (Season 5): 13th/23 – 834pts (32/35)
2010–11 (Season 4): 3rd/20 – 1,159pts (38/38)
2009–10 (Season 3): 9th/30 – 1,032pts (37/38)

~~~ Markface ~~~

Total Points: 1,004
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 26.42
Success Rate: .496

High Score: 72 (Week 20)
Low Score: 8 (Weeks 2, 9 & 23)
Most Common Score: 20 (Weeks 14, 28, 31, 35 & 38)

Weekly High Scores: 46 (Week 3), 72 (Week 20)
Weekly Low Scores: none

Highest Position: 2nd (Weeks 34, 36)
Lowest Position: 42nd (Week 2)
Most Occupied Position: 3rd (Weeks 20-21, 33, 35, 37); 4th (Weeks 26, 30-32, 38)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 4th/31 – 1,004pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 16th/35 – 1,002pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 23rd/31 – 1,085pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): retired Week 35 – 782pts (30/33) / R1 0-0-1
2011–12 (Season 5): 22nd/23 – 164pts (7/7)

~~~ DontBringBertie ~~~

Total Points: 991
Weeks Completed: 37 /38
Average: 26.78
Success Rate: .482

High Score: 58 (Week 32)
Low Score: 0 (Week 31)
Most Common Score: 28 (Weeks 18, 25 & 34); 26 (Weeks 9, 10 & 35); 14 (Weeks 2, 15 & 30)

Weekly High Scores: 58 (Week 32)
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 31)

Highest Position: 3rd (Week 28)
Lowest Position: 39th (Week 1)
Most Occupied Position: 5th (Weeks 29, 33-36, 38); 10th (Weeks 8, 11, 16, 22-23, 25)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 5th/31 – 991pts (37/38) / R2 0-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 23rd/35 – 971pts (38/38) / QF 2-2-1


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
~~~ Nilsson ~~~

Total Points: 988
Weeks Completed: 37 /38
Average: 26.70
Success Rate: .505

High Score: 48 (Week 36)
Low Score: 0 (Week 21)
Most Common Score: 26 (Weeks 7, 18, 27, 33, 35 & 38)

Weekly High Scores: 36 (Week 37)
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 21)

Highest Position: 3rd (Weeks 1, 6, 9-10, 14-15, 17-18, 23-25)
Lowest Position: 16th (Week 3)
Most Occupied Position: 3rd (Weeks 1, 6, 9-10, 14-15, 17-18, 23-25)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 6th/31 – 988pts (37/38) / R3 1-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 8th/35 – 1,090pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 9th/31 – 1,210pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1

~~~ JustinQPR ~~~

Total Points: 964
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 25.37
Success Rate: .566

High Score: 48 (Week 12)
Low Score: 0 (Week 21)
Most Common Score: 22 (Weeks 2, 15, 16, 26 & 27)

Weekly High Scores: none
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 21)

Highest Position: 7th (Weeks 19, 35, 38)
Lowest Position: 33rd (Week 1)
Most Occupied Position: 8th (Weeks 13-14, 18, 32-34, 36-37)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 7th/31 – 964pts (38/38) / RU 4-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 3rd/35 – 1,129pts (38/38) / RU 4-0-1

~~~ Blitzballer ~~~

Total Points: 957
Weeks Completed: 37 /38
Average: 25.46
Success Rate: .532

High Score: 50 (Week 22)
Low Score: 4 (Week 31)
Most Common Score: 32 (Weeks 2, 14, 25, 35 & 38); 22 (Weeks 3, 27, 29, 30 & 36)

Weekly High Scores: 50 (Week 22)
Weekly Low Scores: none

Highest Position: 1st (Weeks 13-19, 22-24)
Lowest Position: 15th (Week 32)
Most Occupied Position: 1st (Weeks 13-19, 22-24)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 8th/31 – 957pts (37/38) / R3 1-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 32nd/35 – 820pts (38/38) / R1 0-0-1

~~~ danbylfc ~~~

Total Points: 953
Weeks Completed: 37 /38
Average: 25.49
Success Rate: .545

High Score: 46 (Week 4)
Low Score: 0 (Weeks 21 & 33)
Most Common Score: 28 (Weeks 11, 15, 27, 29 & 35)

Weekly High Scores: 38 (Week 9)
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 21), 0 (Week 33)

Highest Position: 2nd (Week 9)
Lowest Position: 23rd (Weeks 2-3)
Most Occupied Position: 7th (Weeks 8, 12, 17, 23, 33-34, 36-37)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 9th/31 – 953pts (37/38) / R2 0-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 15th/35 – 1,002pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 19th/31 – 1,119pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 16th/28 – 1,029pts (37/38) / R2 0-0-1
2011–12 (Season 5): 7th/23 – 932pts (33/35)
2010–11 (Season 4): 19th/20 – 822pts (34/38)
2009–10 (Season 3): 25th/30 – 820pts (37/38)

~~~ Veggie Legs ~~~

Total Points: 938
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 24.42
Success Rate: .465

High Score: 62 (Week 25)
Low Score: 8 (Week 7)
Most Common Score: 22 (Weeks 4, 5, 23 & 27); 20 (Weeks 8, 10, 14 & 29); 10 (Weeks 6, 11, 15 & 21)

Weekly High Scores: 62 (Week 25)
Weekly Low Scores: 10 (Week 11)

Highest Position: 5th (Week 2)
Lowest Position: 30th (Week 16)
Most Occupied Position: 12th (Weeks 31, 34, 36-37)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 10th/31 – 938pts (38/38) / SF 3-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 1st/35 – 1,231pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 11th/31 – 1,191pts (38/38) / QF 2-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 6th/28 – 1,123pts (38/38) / QF 1-0-1
2011–12 (Season 5): 4th/23 – 1,002pts (35/35)
2010–11 (Season 4): 12th/20 – 978pts (38/38)
2009–10 (Season 3): 6th/30 – 1,112pts (38/38)


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
~~~ smat ~~~

Total Points: 933
Weeks Completed: 35 /38
Average: 26.66
Success Rate: .457

High Score: 53 (Week 20)
Low Score: 0 (Week 21)
Most Common Score: 18 (Weeks 1, 13, 27 & 34); 10 (Weeks 2, 19, 29 & 31)

Weekly High Scores: 42 (Week 6), 50 (Week 22), 36 (Week 33)
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 21), 6 (Week 24)

Highest Position: 9th (Week 33)
Lowest Position: 45th (Week 4)
Most Occupied Position: 11th (Weeks 23, 28-29, 34-36, 38)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 11th/31 – 933pts (35/38) / QF 2-0-1
2010–11 (Season 4): 13th/20 – 932pts (34/38)

~~~ Jackinky ~~~

Total Points: 932
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 24.53
Success Rate: .469

High Score: 54 (Week 32)
Low Score: 4 (Week 23)
Most Common Score: 22 (Weeks 3, 13, 15, 24, 29, 35 & 38)

Weekly High Scores: 42 (Week 14), 32 (Week 31), 36 (Week 33)
Weekly Low Scores: 4 (Week 23), 8 (Week 30)

Highest Position: 4th (Week 16)
Lowest Position: 31st (Week 1)
Most Occupied Position: 10th (Weeks 6, 12-13, 24, 32, 36-37)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 12th/31 – 932pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 27th/35 – 929pts (38/38) / R2 1-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 21st/31 – 1,106pts (38/38) / R3 1-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 22nd/28 – 939pts (38/38) / R3 1-0-1

~~~ This Charming Mike ~~~

Total Points: 927
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 24.00
Success Rate: .465

High Score: 52 (Week 26)
Low Score: 4 (Week 23)
Most Common Score: 14 (Weeks 2, 7, 10, 30 & 37)

Weekly High Scores: 34 (Week 15), 46 (Week 17), 40 (Week 18)
Weekly Low Scores: 4 (Week 23)

Highest Position: 6th (Week 29)
Lowest Position: 33rd (Week 2)
Most Occupied Position: 8th (Weeks 19-22, 28, 31)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 13th/31 – 927pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 5th/35 – 1,111pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 8th/31 – 1,216pts (38/38) / W 5-2-0

~~~ Rammy ~~~

Total Points: 926
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 24.37
Success Rate: .469

High Score: 44 (Week 26)
Low Score: 0 (Week 8)
Most Common Score: 28 (Weeks 2, 17, 18, 22 & 24)

Weekly High Scores: 38 (Week 9), 32 (Week 31)
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 8)

Highest Position: 11th (Weeks 3, 37)
Lowest Position: 24th (Weeks 8, 16)
Most Occupied Position: 16th (Weeks 4, 9, 27-28, 33, 35); 17th (Weeks 12-13, 15, 19, 22, 32); 18th (Weeks 7, 18, 20-21, 24, 31)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 14th/31 – 926pts (38/38) / R3 1-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 20th/35 – 994pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 22nd/31 – 1,088pts (38/38) / QF 3-0-1
2011–12 (Season 5): 14th/23 – 832pts (34/35)
2010–11 (Season 4): 4th/20 – 1,120pts (38/38)
2009–10 (Season 3): 11th/30 – 1,026pts (38/38)
2008–09 (Season 2): 8th/23 – 971pts (38/38)

~~~ tommytez ~~~

Total Points: 924
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 23.92
Success Rate: .462

High Score: 50 (Week 25)
Low Score: 0 (Weeks 9, 21 & 31)
Most Common Score: 28 (Weeks 1, 11, 14, 29, 35 & 37); 26 (Weeks 4, 7, 8, 22, 27 & 36)

Weekly High Scores: none
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 9), 0 (Week 21), 0 (Week 31)

Highest Position: 9th (Weeks 3-4)
Lowest Position: 27th (Week 24)
Most Occupied Position: 19th (Weeks 9, 15, 29, 31, 33)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 15th/31 – 924pts (38/38) / W 5-0-0
2014–15 (Season 8): 10th/35 – 1,040pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 25th/31 – 1,073pts (38/38) / SF 4-1-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 13th/28 – 1,056pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
~~~ seashell ~~~

Total Points: 920
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 24.21
Success Rate: .535

High Score: 52 (Week 5)
Low Score: 6 (Weeks 28 & 31)
Most Common Score: 28 (Weeks 1, 34, 35 & 38); 22 (Weeks 9, 16, 27 & 30); 10 (Weeks 4, 12, 18 & 37)

Weekly High Scores: 46 (Week 24)
Weekly Low Scores: none

Highest Position: 3rd (Week 8)
Lowest Position: 24th (Week 4)
Most Occupied Position: 13th (Weeks 3, 14, 16, 30, 36); 14th (Weeks 23, 31-32, 34, 37); 15th (Weeks 1, 19-21, 33)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 16th/31 – 920pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 12th/35 – 1,020pts (38/38) / R3 1-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 6th/31 – 1,235pts (37/38) / QF 2-0-1
2010–11 (Season 4): retired Week 15 – 194pts (9/15)

~~~ markpvfc ~~~

Total Points: 914
Weeks Completed: 37 /38
Average: 24.70
Success Rate: .482

High Score: 50 (Week 25)
Low Score: 6 (Weeks 8 & 15)
Most Common Score: 24 (Weeks 11, 16, 31, 37 & 38)

Weekly High Scores: none
Weekly Low Scores: none

Highest Position: 4th (Week 1)
Lowest Position: 29th (Week 2)
Most Occupied Position: 17th (Weeks 11, 23-24, 26-27, 31, 33, 38)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 17th/31 – 914pts (37/38) / R3 1-3*-0 [*lost R3 on tie-break]
2014–15 (Season 8): 14th/35 – 1,010pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 24th/31 – 1,082pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 11th/28 – 1,105pts (38/38) / SF 3-0-1

~~~ Mr Elmo ~~~

Total Points: 875
Weeks Completed: 36 /38
Average: 24.31
Success Rate: .484

High Score: 74 (Week 30)
Low Score: 0 (Week 37)
Most Common Score: 14 (Weeks 27, 28, 31 & 34); 10 (Weeks 3, 13, 15 & 26)

Weekly High Scores: 48 (Week 19), 74 (Week 30)
Weekly Low Scores: 4 (Week 23), 0 (Week 37)

Highest Position: 10th (Week 19)
Lowest Position: 41st (Weeks 1, 4)
Most Occupied Position: 18th (Weeks 15, 32-33, 36, 38); 20th (Weeks 2, 9, 12, 34-35)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 18th/31 – 875pts (36/38) / R2 0-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 19th/35 – 995pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1

~~~ Tony Clifton ~~~

Total Points: 874
Weeks Completed: 36 /37 [Week 2]
Average: 24.28
Success Rate: .484

High Score: 46 (Week 30)
Low Score: 0 (Week 21)
Most Common Score: 18 (Weeks 6, 14, 31 & 35); 16 (Weeks 2, 13, 28 & 34)

Weekly High Scores: none
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 21)

Highest Position: 18th (Week 37)
Lowest Position: 47th (Weeks 2-3)
Most Occupied Position: 21st (Weeks 28, 33-36)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 19th/31 – 874pts (36/37) / R3 1-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 7th/35 – 1,092pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 5th/31 – 1,240pts (38/38) / QF 2-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 14th/28 – 1,052pts (36/38) / SF 3-0-1
2011–12 (Season 5): 3rd/23 – 1,003pts (35/35)
2010–11 (Season 4): 10th/20 – 1,052pts (37/38)
2009–10 (Season 3): 1st/30 – 1,245pts (38/38)
2008–09 (Season 2): retired Week 15 – 298pts (11/15)

~~~ zawesx ~~~

Total Points: 862
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 22.68
Success Rate: .447

High Score: 56 (Week 5)
Low Score: 6 (Week 19)
Most Common Score: 24 (Weeks 3, 24, 27, 36 & 37)

Weekly High Scores: 56 (Week 5), 46 (Week 34)
Weekly Low Scores: 6 (Week 19)

Highest Position: 1st (Weeks 5-12)
Lowest Position: 24th (Weeks 32-33)
Most Occupied Position: 1st (Weeks 5-12)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 20th/31 – 862pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 11th/35 – 1,024pts (37/38) / R3 1-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 20th/31 – 1,108pts (37/38) / R2 0-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 19th/28 – 980pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2011–12 (Season 5): 17th/23 – 781pts (32/35)


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
~~~ Stevencc ~~~

Total Points: 859
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 22.61
Success Rate: .509

High Score: 51 (Week 20)
Low Score: 4 (Weeks 18 & 21)
Most Common Score: 20 (Weeks 4, 7, 13, 17 & 34)

Weekly High Scores: none
Weekly Low Scores: 4 (Week 18)

Highest Position: 15th (Week 16)
Lowest Position: 44th (Week 2)
Most Occupied Position: 22nd (Weeks 30, 32-34, 36-37)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 21st/31 – 859pts (38/38) / R2 0-2-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 26th/35 – 933pts (38/38) / R1 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 16th/31 – 1,161pts (38/38) / RU 4-1-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 7th/28 – 1,118 (38/38) / R3 1-0-1
2011–12 (Season 5): 15th/23 – 814pts (34/35)

~~~ Eamonn ~~~

Total Points: 846
Weeks Completed: 34 /38
Average: 24.44
Success Rate: .461

High Score: 54 (Week 32)
Low Score: 0 (Weeks 21 & 29)
Most Common Score: 20 (Weeks 11, 14, 15 & 30)

Weekly High Scores: 42 (Week 23)
Weekly Low Scores: 6 (Week 17), 0 (Week 21), 0 (Week 29)

Highest Position: 7th (Week 3)
Lowest Position: 24th (Week 14)
Most Occupied Position: 23rd (Weeks 12-13, 15, 17, 19, 21)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 22nd/31 – 846pts (34/38) / QF 2-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 10th/31 – 1,202pts (38/38) / R3 1-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 5th/28 – 1,137 (36/38) / QF 2-0-1
2011–12 (Season 5): 9th/23 – 872pts (34/35)
2010–11 (Season 4): 11th/20 – 1,036pts (37/38)

~~~ Ciderhead ~~~

Total Points: 828
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 21.79
Success Rate: .447

High Score: 46 (Week 34)
Low Score: 0 (Week 21)
Most Common Score: 32 (Weeks 17, 19, 23, 26 & 35); 16 (Weeks 4, 5, 9, 27 & 31)

Weekly High Scores: 46 (Week 34)
Weekly Low Scores: 6 (Week 2), 4 (Week 14), 0 (Week 21)

Highest Position: 22nd (Week 35)
Lowest Position: 41st (Week 2)
Most Occupied Position: 25th (Weeks 19-21, 28-29, 32-33)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 23rd/31 – 828pts (38/38) / R3 1-0-1

~~~ Dave ~~~

Total Points: 781
Weeks Completed: 36 /38
Average: 21.28
Success Rate: .417

High Score: 40 (Week 34)
Low Score: 0 (Week 27)
Most Common Score: 26 (Weeks 13, 14, 37 & 38); 8 (Weeks 12, 15, 21 & 31)

Weekly High Scores: none
Weekly Low Scores: 8 (Week 12), 12 (Week 16), 0 (Week 27), 12 (Week 35)

Highest Position: 8th (Weeks 2, 8-9, 11)
Lowest Position: 29th (Weeks 19-20, 22)
Most Occupied Position: 12th (Weeks 4-6, 12-14); 28th (Weeks 21, 23, 28, 30-31, 36)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 24th/31 – 781pts (36/38) / R1 0-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 34th/35 – 288pts (12/12)

~~~ G-Dragon ~~~

Total Points: 767
Weeks Completed: 35 /38
Average: 21.63
Success Rate: .405

High Score: 51 (Week 20)
Low Score: 0 (Weeks 6, 7 & 31)
Most Common Score: 18 (Weeks 2, 5, 23, 34 & 35)

Weekly High Scores: 20 (Week 21)
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 6), 0 (Week 7), 6 (Week 22), 0 (Week 31)

Highest Position: 7th (Week 1)
Lowest Position: 40th (Week 7)
Most Occupied Position: 23rd (Weeks 16, 28-29, 32-33); 24th (Weeks 25, 27, 30-31, 37); 25th (Weeks 14, 34-36, 38)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 25th/31 – 767pts (35/38) / R2 0-0-1


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Norwich City
~~~ tommy_b ~~~

Total Points: 746
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 19.63
Success Rate: .368

High Score: 50 (Week 36)
Low Score: 0 (Week 21)
Most Common Score: 22 (Weeks 1, 2, 7 & 27); 12 (Weeks 8, 14, 29 & 37)

Weekly High Scores: 50 (Week 36)
Weekly Low Scores: 4 (Week 3), 6 (Week 19), 0 (Week 21), 4 (Week 32)

Highest Position: 24th (Weeks 2, 13)
Lowest Position: 38th (Week 3)
Most Occupied Position: 30th (Weeks 19-20, 22-26, 28-29, 32)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 26th/31 – 746pts (38/38) / SF 3-3*-1 [*won R3 on tie-break]
2014–15 (Season 8): 18th/35 – 998pts (38/38) / QF 2-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 27th/31 – 1,041pts (38/38) / R1 0-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 23rd/28 – 913pts (37/37) / R2 0-0-1
2011–12 (Season 5): 8th/23 – 876pts (35/35)
2010–11 (Season 4): 20th/20 – 735pts (30/38)
2009–10 (Season 3): 19th/30 – 948pts (38/38)
2008–09 (Season 2): 22nd/23 – 282pts (10/10)

~~~ Munkiki ~~~

Total Points: 744
Weeks Completed: 38 /38
Average: 19.58
Success Rate: .408

High Score: 50 (Week 16)
Low Score: 4 (Weeks 13 & 21)
Most Common Score: 26 (Weeks 4, 9, 24 & 28); 20 (Weeks 3, 7, 14 & 25); 12 (Weeks 17, 23, 30 & 32); 10 (Weeks 18, 26, 29 & 31)

Weekly High Scores: none
Weekly Low Scores: 4 (Week 13), 6 (Week 19), 20 (Week 25)

Highest Position: 11th (Week 1)
Lowest Position: 30th (Weeks 13, 30-31, 33)
Most Occupied Position: 29th (Weeks 14, 26-29, 32, 36)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 27th/31 – 744pts (38/38) / R3 1-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 13th/35 – 1,020pts (38/38) / SF 3-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 13th/31 – 1,177pts (38/38) / R2 0-0-1
2010–11 (Season 4): 6th/20 – 1,104pts (38/38)
2009–10 (Season 3): 4th/30 – 1,141pts (38/38)
2008–09 (Season 2): 3rd/23 – 1,150pts (38/38)
2007–08 (Season 1): 2nd/6 – 1,129pts (37/37)

~~~ Smudge ~~~

Total Points: 740
Weeks Completed: 35 /38
Average: 21.14
Success Rate: .448

High Score: 40 (Week 30)
Low Score: 0 (Weeks 21, 26, 34 & 36)
Most Common Score: 26 (Weeks 1, 2, 4, 12, 14, 27 & 33)

Weekly High Scores: none
Weekly Low Scores: 18 (Week 20), 0 (Week 21), 0 (Week 26), 0 (Week 34), 0 (Week 36)

Highest Position: 15th (Week 2)
Lowest Position: 33rd (Weeks 5-6)
Most Occupied Position: 25th (Weeks 13, 17-18, 25, 30-31, 37)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 28th/31 – 740pts (35/38) / R2 0-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): retired Week 21 – 348pts (17/21) / R1 0-0-1
2009–10 (Season 3): retired Week 25 – 336pts (17/25)

~~~ gunnerson ~~~

Total Points: 639
Weeks Completed: 30 /31 [Week 8]
Average: 21.30
Success Rate: .404

High Score: 43 (Week 20)
Low Score: 0 (Weeks 27 & 33)
Most Common Score: 24 (Weeks 11, 16, 17, 19 & 29)

Weekly High Scores: 38 (Week 8)
Weekly Low Scores: 6 (Week 24), 0 (Week 27), 0 (Week 33)

Highest Position: 29th (Weeks 37-38)
Lowest Position: 41st (Week 8)
Most Occupied Position: 32nd (Weeks 24-33)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 29th/31 – 639pts (30/31) / R2 1-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 25th/35 – 955pts (38/38) / R3 1-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 28th/31 – 964pts (36/38) / R2 1-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 27th/28 – 661pts (29/38) / R3 2-0-1

~~~ Sideshow Bob ~~~

Total Points: 618
Weeks Completed: 28 /38
Average: 21.71
Success Rate: .417

High Score: 54 (Week 27)
Low Score: 0 (Weeks 8 & 26)
Most Common Score: 22 (Weeks 2, 6, 9, 22, 24 & 37)

Weekly High Scores: 54 (Week 27)
Weekly Low Scores: 6 (Week 4), 0 (Week 8), 0 (Week 26)

Highest Position: 14th (Week 3)
Lowest Position: 35th (Week 11)
Most Occupied Position: 31st (Weeks 4, 19-20, 22-26, 28-33, 36)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 30th/31 – 618pts (28/38) / R1 0-0-1
2014–15 (Season 8): 21st/35 – 980pts (36/38) / R3 1-0-1
2013–14 (Season 7): 29th/31 – 902pts (32/38) / R3 2-0-1
2012–13 (Season 6): 25th/28 – 855pts (35/38) / R2 1-0-1

~~~ epic73 ~~~

Total Points: 461
Weeks Completed: 21 /22 [Week 17]
Average: 21.95
Success Rate: .357

High Score: 48 (Week 26)
Low Score: 0 (Week 38)
Most Common Score: 10 (Weeks 18, 27, 31 & 33)

Weekly High Scores: 42 (Week 29)
Weekly Low Scores: 0 (Week 38)

Highest Position: 31st (Weeks 37-38)
Lowest Position: 37th (Week 17)
Most Occupied Position: 33rd (Weeks 24-33)

Selection & Point Break-Down:

Competition History:
2015–16 (Season 9): 31st/31 – 461pts (21/22) / R1 0-0-1

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