Most tinpot thing I ever heard. (tinpot thread)


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Jul 16, 2018
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Yaxley/Norwich City
Somehow more fans than the famous Mansfield bus parade at least, even during a pandemic


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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1885 Bury
I hope to Christ NONE of you EVER have to deal with a rambling prat like our chairman, here's his latest tinpot spew
Yes this IS a owners statement!!!

Statement from the "Chairman"
Today, 09:34

There seems to be a lot of lies and propaganda spread by a small body of people purporting to be BURY FC fans, they are not, they have undermined our Great Club and caused trouble at every juncture and in doing so have threatened the very existence of our Club, if challenged they shout louder thinking that makes wrong, right, it does not.

Social media has become a Petri dish for vermin, it is the antithesis of all that is decent where lies prevail

So, let’s start by addressing facts and perhaps not in event order the allegations:
  1. I never wanted a Board position, I assumed Glen Thomas who introduced me to the Bury would be Chairman, the board felt due to his close association with Mr Day the fans would not like it, I initially refused but eventually agreed to take the post until we could get a football person
  2. I stated day one at our dinner at the village, I invested in Bury, the running of the Club would be left to Directors and management as I was not a football person or in good enough health. I would do all I could to help with the catastrophic financial position of the club but I was not an ATM and I would not bankrupt myself to right the wrongs of the previous owners. I would hopefully find a younger buyer who loved football to take it on soon. I have been true to my word and still fighting to save Bury some 20 months on with no help from anyone and indeed it’s still my aim to sell it on the right person once she is stable
  3. Buyers, there has not been one credible buyer, lots of talk, getting their name in the paper, one in particular met me once and somehow managed to get in every paper! MP’s getting their names in the paper, one alleged Buyer in particular went a bit further than most but then used the Stadium as the reason they did not proceed even though DAY 1 they were advised in detail of the position with it, or we have had the, you sort the CVA and you pay off your PG’s given against the Club, one even said get Bury back in the league and we will give you, ranging from £1 to £200k, so let’s get this right, I put a further c£1.5m in and you will give me such an incredible deal…really
  4. As soon as we realized the extent of the financial wrong doings, I contacted the Chairman of the EFL who initially said he would help but advised he had his hands full with Blackpool and Bolton, he subsequently left the EFL, after his initial chat NEVER did the EFL contact me to offer support, offer help or got involved in any way, other than putting obstacles in our way at every juncture, withholding monies to further exasperate the situation, I could go on.

    Given this we subsequently contacted the Police who to date have done nothing to bring the people who have STOLEN both prior and, on my shift, and indeed have been proven by the Police and the Club to have stolen from Bury to justice, one wonders why our Country is in such a mess
  5. I HAVE NEVER been involved with the day to day running of the Club as I was unable to attend to achieve this due to health reasons, I helped when asked and as I could
  6. To this day I HAVE NEVER had keys to Gigg Lane or Carrington
  7. I HAVE NEVER been involved in the dealing with cash/gate monies or indeed any other form of receipt when the Club was running, in fact I don’t have a clue about gate receipts how they were collected or where they were processed, I left it to our very able Company Secretary who will I’m sure vouch for this.
  8. I while we were running fully, WAS NEVER a signatory at the Bank and had nothing to do with Nat West or Lloyds, again our FD and Co Sec dealt with that, I am however the signatory of our new Bank
  9. Bury Heritage and Social were formed to safeguard assets not miss-appropriate as anyone with a modicum of business knowledge would understand, given the perilous state of the Club
  10. Stadium, we owe some £3.7m on that and some £2.8m on carpark so to the clowns who say I want it to build on it (regardless of the Council never allowing it or indeed would I want to) one wonders how a secondary site, where only standard housing would be appropriate could or would be worth £6.5m
  11. Letting staff go, with a wage bill greater than income how would these bastions of knowledge propose we pay the £3.5m wage bill
  12. EFL, cancelling of Games and subsequent removal from league, a lot of subterfuge was used in this, unfortunately the pending Legal action prevents me from expanding, but it will all come out in the wash.
  13. A small bunch of Fans seem to need a scapegoat for Burys situation or indeed just to cause trouble, it seems its easier to blame me rather than the previous owners who caused it, where were these do good’s when the Club was being plundered for millions one asks and why do these self - proclaimed lovers of Bury do all they can to discredit it and tell lies on every forum they can trying to destroy the very thing they purport to love?

    Forever Bury advise me they are taking stick from these very people for proposing to challenge the FA in their decision, once again hurting the very thing they say they love?

    I have had Fans alleging they have threatened them privately and at there place of work for standing behind Bury FC?

    One wonders what their agenda is, its certainly not the actions of Bury FC lovers.
  14. If, instead of looking to blame for actions long since committed, by parties long since gone and indeed unchallenged at the time, the Fans would have shown solidarity instead of splitting into different factions, got the facts from the source and stood together in the fight, Bury FC would have been in a very different position today
There is a saying “empty cans make the most noise, in my world we throw them in the bin”
Tags: None
Jul 17, 2020
Reaction score
I hope to Christ NONE of you EVER have to deal with a rambling prat like our chairman, here's his latest tinpot spew
Yes this IS a owners statement!!!

Statement from the "Chairman"
Today, 09:34

There seems to be a lot of lies and propaganda spread by a small body of people purporting to be BURY FC fans, they are not, they have undermined our Great Club and caused trouble at every juncture and in doing so have threatened the very existence of our Club, if challenged they shout louder thinking that makes wrong, right, it does not.

Social media has become a Petri dish for vermin, it is the antithesis of all that is decent where lies prevail

So, let’s start by addressing facts and perhaps not in event order the allegations:
  1. I never wanted a Board position, I assumed Glen Thomas who introduced me to the Bury would be Chairman, the board felt due to his close association with Mr Day the fans would not like it, I initially refused but eventually agreed to take the post until we could get a football person
  2. I stated day one at our dinner at the village, I invested in Bury, the running of the Club would be left to Directors and management as I was not a football person or in good enough health. I would do all I could to help with the catastrophic financial position of the club but I was not an ATM and I would not bankrupt myself to right the wrongs of the previous owners. I would hopefully find a younger buyer who loved football to take it on soon. I have been true to my word and still fighting to save Bury some 20 months on with no help from anyone and indeed it’s still my aim to sell it on the right person once she is stable
  3. Buyers, there has not been one credible buyer, lots of talk, getting their name in the paper, one in particular met me once and somehow managed to get in every paper! MP’s getting their names in the paper, one alleged Buyer in particular went a bit further than most but then used the Stadium as the reason they did not proceed even though DAY 1 they were advised in detail of the position with it, or we have had the, you sort the CVA and you pay off your PG’s given against the Club, one even said get Bury back in the league and we will give you, ranging from £1 to £200k, so let’s get this right, I put a further c£1.5m in and you will give me such an incredible deal…really
  4. As soon as we realized the extent of the financial wrong doings, I contacted the Chairman of the EFL who initially said he would help but advised he had his hands full with Blackpool and Bolton, he subsequently left the EFL, after his initial chat NEVER did the EFL contact me to offer support, offer help or got involved in any way, other than putting obstacles in our way at every juncture, withholding monies to further exasperate the situation, I could go on.

    Given this we subsequently contacted the Police who to date have done nothing to bring the people who have STOLEN both prior and, on my shift, and indeed have been proven by the Police and the Club to have stolen from Bury to justice, one wonders why our Country is in such a mess
  5. I HAVE NEVER been involved with the day to day running of the Club as I was unable to attend to achieve this due to health reasons, I helped when asked and as I could
  6. To this day I HAVE NEVER had keys to Gigg Lane or Carrington
  7. I HAVE NEVER been involved in the dealing with cash/gate monies or indeed any other form of receipt when the Club was running, in fact I don’t have a clue about gate receipts how they were collected or where they were processed, I left it to our very able Company Secretary who will I’m sure vouch for this.
  8. I while we were running fully, WAS NEVER a signatory at the Bank and had nothing to do with Nat West or Lloyds, again our FD and Co Sec dealt with that, I am however the signatory of our new Bank
  9. Bury Heritage and Social were formed to safeguard assets not miss-appropriate as anyone with a modicum of business knowledge would understand, given the perilous state of the Club
  10. Stadium, we owe some £3.7m on that and some £2.8m on carpark so to the clowns who say I want it to build on it (regardless of the Council never allowing it or indeed would I want to) one wonders how a secondary site, where only standard housing would be appropriate could or would be worth £6.5m
  11. Letting staff go, with a wage bill greater than income how would these bastions of knowledge propose we pay the £3.5m wage bill
  12. EFL, cancelling of Games and subsequent removal from league, a lot of subterfuge was used in this, unfortunately the pending Legal action prevents me from expanding, but it will all come out in the wash.
  13. A small bunch of Fans seem to need a scapegoat for Burys situation or indeed just to cause trouble, it seems its easier to blame me rather than the previous owners who caused it, where were these do good’s when the Club was being plundered for millions one asks and why do these self - proclaimed lovers of Bury do all they can to discredit it and tell lies on every forum they can trying to destroy the very thing they purport to love?

    Forever Bury advise me they are taking stick from these very people for proposing to challenge the FA in their decision, once again hurting the very thing they say they love?

    I have had Fans alleging they have threatened them privately and at there place of work for standing behind Bury FC?

    One wonders what their agenda is, its certainly not the actions of Bury FC lovers.
  14. If, instead of looking to blame for actions long since committed, by parties long since gone and indeed unchallenged at the time, the Fans would have shown solidarity instead of splitting into different factions, got the facts from the source and stood together in the fight, Bury FC would have been in a very different position today

2.. "invested in bury"


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
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In the Mark Hughes wonderland
Carlisle United
I hope to Christ NONE of you EVER have to deal with a rambling prat like our chairman, here's his latest tinpot spew
Yes this IS a owners statement!!!

Statement from the "Chairman"
Today, 09:34

There seems to be a lot of lies and propaganda spread by a small body of people purporting to be BURY FC fans, they are not, they have undermined our Great Club and caused trouble at every juncture and in doing so have threatened the very existence of our Club, if challenged they shout louder thinking that makes wrong, right, it does not.

Social media has become a Petri dish for vermin, it is the antithesis of all that is decent where lies prevail

So, let’s start by addressing facts and perhaps not in event order the allegations:
  1. I never wanted a Board position, I assumed Glen Thomas who introduced me to the Bury would be Chairman, the board felt due to his close association with Mr Day the fans would not like it, I initially refused but eventually agreed to take the post until we could get a football person
  2. I stated day one at our dinner at the village, I invested in Bury, the running of the Club would be left to Directors and management as I was not a football person or in good enough health. I would do all I could to help with the catastrophic financial position of the club but I was not an ATM and I would not bankrupt myself to right the wrongs of the previous owners. I would hopefully find a younger buyer who loved football to take it on soon. I have been true to my word and still fighting to save Bury some 20 months on with no help from anyone and indeed it’s still my aim to sell it on the right person once she is stable
  3. Buyers, there has not been one credible buyer, lots of talk, getting their name in the paper, one in particular met me once and somehow managed to get in every paper! MP’s getting their names in the paper, one alleged Buyer in particular went a bit further than most but then used the Stadium as the reason they did not proceed even though DAY 1 they were advised in detail of the position with it, or we have had the, you sort the CVA and you pay off your PG’s given against the Club, one even said get Bury back in the league and we will give you, ranging from £1 to £200k, so let’s get this right, I put a further c£1.5m in and you will give me such an incredible deal…really
  4. As soon as we realized the extent of the financial wrong doings, I contacted the Chairman of the EFL who initially said he would help but advised he had his hands full with Blackpool and Bolton, he subsequently left the EFL, after his initial chat NEVER did the EFL contact me to offer support, offer help or got involved in any way, other than putting obstacles in our way at every juncture, withholding monies to further exasperate the situation, I could go on.

    Given this we subsequently contacted the Police who to date have done nothing to bring the people who have STOLEN both prior and, on my shift, and indeed have been proven by the Police and the Club to have stolen from Bury to justice, one wonders why our Country is in such a mess
  5. I HAVE NEVER been involved with the day to day running of the Club as I was unable to attend to achieve this due to health reasons, I helped when asked and as I could
  6. To this day I HAVE NEVER had keys to Gigg Lane or Carrington
  7. I HAVE NEVER been involved in the dealing with cash/gate monies or indeed any other form of receipt when the Club was running, in fact I don’t have a clue about gate receipts how they were collected or where they were processed, I left it to our very able Company Secretary who will I’m sure vouch for this.
  8. I while we were running fully, WAS NEVER a signatory at the Bank and had nothing to do with Nat West or Lloyds, again our FD and Co Sec dealt with that, I am however the signatory of our new Bank
  9. Bury Heritage and Social were formed to safeguard assets not miss-appropriate as anyone with a modicum of business knowledge would understand, given the perilous state of the Club
  10. Stadium, we owe some £3.7m on that and some £2.8m on carpark so to the clowns who say I want it to build on it (regardless of the Council never allowing it or indeed would I want to) one wonders how a secondary site, where only standard housing would be appropriate could or would be worth £6.5m
  11. Letting staff go, with a wage bill greater than income how would these bastions of knowledge propose we pay the £3.5m wage bill
  12. EFL, cancelling of Games and subsequent removal from league, a lot of subterfuge was used in this, unfortunately the pending Legal action prevents me from expanding, but it will all come out in the wash.
  13. A small bunch of Fans seem to need a scapegoat for Burys situation or indeed just to cause trouble, it seems its easier to blame me rather than the previous owners who caused it, where were these do good’s when the Club was being plundered for millions one asks and why do these self - proclaimed lovers of Bury do all they can to discredit it and tell lies on every forum they can trying to destroy the very thing they purport to love?

    Forever Bury advise me they are taking stick from these very people for proposing to challenge the FA in their decision, once again hurting the very thing they say they love?

    I have had Fans alleging they have threatened them privately and at there place of work for standing behind Bury FC?

    One wonders what their agenda is, its certainly not the actions of Bury FC lovers.
  14. If, instead of looking to blame for actions long since committed, by parties long since gone and indeed unchallenged at the time, the Fans would have shown solidarity instead of splitting into different factions, got the facts from the source and stood together in the fight, Bury FC would have been in a very different position today
There is a saying “empty cans make the most noise, in my world we throw them in the bin”
Tags: None
Capitalises 'Great Club' like it were a trademark, also fully capitalises 'BURY FC'.

You sure he's not just a regular Bury fan? I mean this is Bury fan behaviour, all we need now is a mention of the FA Cup win and I could believe that Steve Dale is just UTS in disguise.

Master D

Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2015
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The Natural Order
It only works for Proper Club as we know, which this phoenix club can never be.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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1885 Bury
Capitalises 'Great Club' like it were a trademark, also fully capitalises 'BURY FC'.

You sure he's not just a regular Bury fan? I mean this is Bury fan behaviour, all we need now is a mention of the FA Cup win and I could believe that Steve Dale is just UTS in disguise.
Win? WIN, cheeky bugger we won 2 ya know!!


Active Member
Jul 16, 2018
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Yaxley/Norwich City
It's been a whirlwind lockdown period for local club Peterborough Northern Star, hiring a new manager in April/May after recently appointing a new chairman. Said new manager released the entire playing squad upon arrival after inviting them for beers during the height of lockdown. Then signed a player from another local club and made a song about the bloke before he even played a game, only for said player to leave and return to his previous club the day after. He's also then been signing players from the depths of the county leagues, a good 4+ levels lower than the club's Step 5 position.

And now he's been sacked and, having full control of the club's Twitter account, has taken to posting text conversations he had with the chairman after finding out that the latter, unhappy with the absolute circus created, had approached another manager behind his back and asking him to take over instead.

Unfortunately, the entire thread has already been deleted from the club's Twitter (didn't even get a chance to screenshot the Tweets, unfortunately), but it made for entertaining reading all the same. Neither the sacked manager or the chairman came out of it looking great


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
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In the Mark Hughes wonderland
Carlisle United
It's been a whirlwind lockdown period for local club Peterborough Northern Star, hiring a new manager in April/May after recently appointing a new chairman. Said new manager released the entire playing squad upon arrival after inviting them for beers during the height of lockdown. Then signed a player from another local club and made a song about the bloke before he even played a game, only for said player to leave and return to his previous club the day after. He's also then been signing players from the depths of the county leagues, a good 4+ levels lower than the club's Step 5 position.

And now he's been sacked and, having full control of the club's Twitter account, has taken to posting text conversations he had with the chairman after finding out that the latter, unhappy with the absolute circus created, had approached another manager behind his back and asking him to take over instead.

Unfortunately, the entire thread has already been deleted from the club's Twitter (didn't even get a chance to screenshot the Tweets, unfortunately), but it made for entertaining reading all the same. Neither the sacked manager or the chairman came out of it looking great
Truly the Oldham Athletic of the non-league.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2015
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Flintshire UK
I hope to Christ NONE of you EVER have to deal with a rambling prat like our chairman, here's his latest tinpot spew
Yes this IS a owners statement!!!

Statement from the "Chairman"
Today, 09:34

There seems to be a lot of lies and propaganda spread by a small body of people purporting to be BURY FC fans, they are not, they have undermined our Great Club and caused trouble at every juncture and in doing so have threatened the very existence of our Club, if challenged they shout louder thinking that makes wrong, right, it does not.

Social media has become a Petri dish for vermin, it is the antithesis of all that is decent where lies prevail

So, let’s start by addressing facts and perhaps not in event order the allegations:
  1. I never wanted a Board position, I assumed Glen Thomas who introduced me to the Bury would be Chairman, the board felt due to his close association with Mr Day the fans would not like it, I initially refused but eventually agreed to take the post until we could get a football person
  2. I stated day one at our dinner at the village, I invested in Bury, the running of the Club would be left to Directors and management as I was not a football person or in good enough health. I would do all I could to help with the catastrophic financial position of the club but I was not an ATM and I would not bankrupt myself to right the wrongs of the previous owners. I would hopefully find a younger buyer who loved football to take it on soon. I have been true to my word and still fighting to save Bury some 20 months on with no help from anyone and indeed it’s still my aim to sell it on the right person once she is stable
  3. Buyers, there has not been one credible buyer, lots of talk, getting their name in the paper, one in particular met me once and somehow managed to get in every paper! MP’s getting their names in the paper, one alleged Buyer in particular went a bit further than most but then used the Stadium as the reason they did not proceed even though DAY 1 they were advised in detail of the position with it, or we have had the, you sort the CVA and you pay off your PG’s given against the Club, one even said get Bury back in the league and we will give you, ranging from £1 to £200k, so let’s get this right, I put a further c£1.5m in and you will give me such an incredible deal…really
  4. As soon as we realized the extent of the financial wrong doings, I contacted the Chairman of the EFL who initially said he would help but advised he had his hands full with Blackpool and Bolton, he subsequently left the EFL, after his initial chat NEVER did the EFL contact me to offer support, offer help or got involved in any way, other than putting obstacles in our way at every juncture, withholding monies to further exasperate the situation, I could go on.

    Given this we subsequently contacted the Police who to date have done nothing to bring the people who have STOLEN both prior and, on my shift, and indeed have been proven by the Police and the Club to have stolen from Bury to justice, one wonders why our Country is in such a mess
  5. I HAVE NEVER been involved with the day to day running of the Club as I was unable to attend to achieve this due to health reasons, I helped when asked and as I could
  6. To this day I HAVE NEVER had keys to Gigg Lane or Carrington
  7. I HAVE NEVER been involved in the dealing with cash/gate monies or indeed any other form of receipt when the Club was running, in fact I don’t have a clue about gate receipts how they were collected or where they were processed, I left it to our very able Company Secretary who will I’m sure vouch for this.
  8. I while we were running fully, WAS NEVER a signatory at the Bank and had nothing to do with Nat West or Lloyds, again our FD and Co Sec dealt with that, I am however the signatory of our new Bank
  9. Bury Heritage and Social were formed to safeguard assets not miss-appropriate as anyone with a modicum of business knowledge would understand, given the perilous state of the Club
  10. Stadium, we owe some £3.7m on that and some £2.8m on carpark so to the clowns who say I want it to build on it (regardless of the Council never allowing it or indeed would I want to) one wonders how a secondary site, where only standard housing would be appropriate could or would be worth £6.5m
  11. Letting staff go, with a wage bill greater than income how would these bastions of knowledge propose we pay the £3.5m wage bill
  12. EFL, cancelling of Games and subsequent removal from league, a lot of subterfuge was used in this, unfortunately the pending Legal action prevents me from expanding, but it will all come out in the wash.
  13. A small bunch of Fans seem to need a scapegoat for Burys situation or indeed just to cause trouble, it seems its easier to blame me rather than the previous owners who caused it, where were these do good’s when the Club was being plundered for millions one asks and why do these self - proclaimed lovers of Bury do all they can to discredit it and tell lies on every forum they can trying to destroy the very thing they purport to love?

    Forever Bury advise me they are taking stick from these very people for proposing to challenge the FA in their decision, once again hurting the very thing they say they love?

    I have had Fans alleging they have threatened them privately and at there place of work for standing behind Bury FC?

    One wonders what their agenda is, its certainly not the actions of Bury FC lovers.
  14. If, instead of looking to blame for actions long since committed, by parties long since gone and indeed unchallenged at the time, the Fans would have shown solidarity instead of splitting into different factions, got the facts from the source and stood together in the fight, Bury FC would have been in a very different position today
There is a saying “empty cans make the most noise, in my world we throw them in the bin”
Tags: None

What would vermin do with a petri dish?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
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East Staffs.
Yeovil Town
‘Righting wrongs?’ - fuck right off!
And utter sacrilège putting Grazioli in that video Too.

That Newcastle saga was a major factor in Graham Roberts being sacked as Yeovil manager. One of the numerous reason we hate Satanage.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
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East Staffs.
Yeovil Town
I’m intrigued. What happened?

We had a massive beef with them (as did a lot of clubs) in the 90s. After the acrimony during the week leading up to the replay Roberts sent a fax to Newcastle United. It somehow found its way into the Stevenage dressing-room before the game, was apparently on Yeovil Town headed paper and contained disparaging comments about Stevenage. The main one was "We are not all arseholes in the Vauxhall Conference."

iesty wfc

Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2015
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At least the only good thing to come out of it if Wrexham did something similar is that you wouldnt be able to hear the audio properly because the wind is interfering with the microphone too much, and our highlights would include a derelict and overgrown cop and the famous slag heap in Rhosllanechrugog

the state of our last two player interviews though



Site Supporter
Site Supporter
Jan 17, 2015
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London WC1E
Having the Kop which looks like it is reverting back to nature as the background in your video is not a good look.

Soup Ladle

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2015
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At least the only good thing to come out of it if Wrexham did something similar is that you wouldnt be able to hear the audio properly because the wind is interfering with the microphone too much, and our highlights would include a derelict and overgrown cop and the famous slag heap in Rhosllanechrugog

the state of our last two player interviews though

Not anywhere near as shocking as this one:

Our new media child labour slave literally did say ‘Pools fans love a really good striker who scores lots of goals’. Fucking hell.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2015
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Flintshire UK
Of all the places in the entire ground, thats the worst backdrop they could have used. Possibly filming in the paddock toilets would have run it close. At least weed the bloody thing first.

iesty wfc

Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2015
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Not anywhere near as shocking as this one:

Our new media child labour slave literally did say ‘Pools fans love a really good striker who scores lots of goals’. Fucking hell.

I would note that we are in a similar situation, our long term head of media (all volunteers with the club) left his role in the summer and we have not replaced him. One or two of his understudies have stepped up to the plate, and a couple are ok, but sounds like we have knocked on the door of the uni next door and asked if anyone on a media degree wants a job filming the interview on a iPhone 4

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