Fair enough bud. This is hollywood unfortunately, got far too much money invested in these major franchises now to let directors do totally what they want with a film. Does annoy me how much influence they have over directors.Good post. I do sympathise with Abrams to an extent, but I'm not going to be more accepting because there was corporate influence. If anything that's an reason to dislike it more. You could see that's why there was an overabundance of comedy in it.
I don't need everything explained but the call to adventure was lame. It felt like most other modern action films: rushed plot, loads of action and little detail. That's why it didn't feel anything special to me.
I didn't see him as conflicted, I thought he was determined to live up to Vader and was fearful of failure to do so. I think that's his motive and why he thought killing his father would help him. I think he is totally consumed. The big problem is it's just the same old shit. Also, he idolises Vader even though he betrayed the Empire. That's illogical.
I shouldn't have to look passed flaws to enjoy a movie, flaws and unoriginal content can't be compromised to enjoy something in my view.
Chris, regarding Ren, he wouldn't have known surely!
That's not a bad point. Perhaps Vader is being used as propoganda to indoctrinate Ren. But surely this should be common knowledge as the story is legend across the galaxy? Also, he's part of the fricking family where he'll have most definitely heard the truth. Hard one to accept as a viewer.
Not really sure what to make of it - I enjoyed it, but came out scratching my head a little at missed opportunities and difficult to gage plot lines.
I'm not sure what to make of Kylo Ren. Adam Driver played the role fantastically, no doubt, but I don't feel as if his story was really developed enough. How did he turn to the dark side? How long has he been around for? We're sort of thrust into his position as the main villain - before we are introduced to Snoke - but we don't know what really preceded it. The whole desire of Leia and Hans trying to turn their villainous son back to the light with love was a little bit lost on me. It would have been better if he was portrayed as a fucking maniac without all that guff, and his moments of petulance came across as too comedic for my liking.
I feel they should have done more with the flashbacks - that scene at the Jedi Academy could have been developed further. Sometimes I felt the plot was a little too simplistic.
How many times did we have to be told that Han Solo was Kylo's father? It should have been saved for a more dramatic moment, rather than Snoke telling us in the most simplistic terms possible as if the audience is completely incapable of appreciating it.
Captian Phasma was totally underplayed - what was the point of her character if she came across as so weak and timid?
Luke should have had at least 1 line. One line to sign off the movie. We've been waiting for this for 3 years and he says nothing, the ending was a bit shite if we're being honest. I know it sets the scene for the next one, but jheeze.
Remember back to Episode IV, Darth Vader was introduced without any backstory. Fans didn't get the true explanation of his backstory for over 20 years. We'll likely get the explanation in 2-3 years and it'll be a darn sight better than Vader's backstory. Be grateful for that.
Flashbacks? Is that really in keeping with Star Wars? And if Abrams had done that, fans would have criticised him for going all 'Lost' on the film. I agree about the Kylo Ren reveal. Felt like we were being slapped around the head with it. Although I think Abrams was worrying about having the reveal be too much like Darth Vader and Luke in Episode V. I preferred it to come out early, so we had time to appreciate it and let it sink in. Although how it came out was not well done.
I will say though, on reflection, the Ren killing Han scene would have worked much better with either Leia or Luke there to witness it. Only Chewie really felt the massive loss that Han dying had and he couldn't express the grief and anger in that moment. I didn't feel the 2 younger characters really showed what it meant to see such a legendary character of not just Star Wars, but cinema history, go like that. Although maybe he didn't overplay it because Han comes back in the next episode, how that would work I'm not sure though.
I agree on the last point, even him going "Hello Rey" would have been perfect. Would set up all this mystery about how he knows her and what she is to him. Mark Hamill has to be laughing though, he will likely have earned a shit ton of money for being in this film even though his role was a 2 minute cameo at the end.
Not really sure what to make of it - I enjoyed it, but came out scratching my head a little at missed opportunities and difficult to gage plot lines.
I'm not sure what to make of Kylo Ren. Adam Driver played the role fantastically, no doubt, but I don't feel as if his story was really developed enough. How did he turn to the dark side? How long has he been around for? We're sort of thrust into his position as the main villain - before we are introduced to Snoke - but we don't know what really preceded it. The whole desire of Leia and Hans trying to turn their villainous son back to the light with love was a little bit lost on me. It would have been better if he was portrayed as a fucking maniac without all that guff, and his moments of petulance came across as too comedic for my liking.
I feel they should have done more with the flashbacks - that scene at the Jedi Academy could have been developed further. Sometimes I felt the plot was a little too simplistic.
How many times did we have to be told that Han Solo was Kylo's father? It should have been saved for a more dramatic moment, rather than Snoke telling us in the most simplistic terms possible as if the audience is completely incapable of appreciating it.
Captian Phasma was totally underplayed - what was the point of her character if she came across as so weak and timid?
Luke should have had at least 1 line. One line to sign off the movie. We've been waiting for this for 3 years and he says nothing, the ending was a bit shite if we're being honest. I know it sets the scene for the next one, but jheeze.
Haha just open up a spoiler tag {spoiler} and close it {/spoiler} using regular brackets of course.Absolutely Loved it!! Solid 9/10 from me! Daisy Ridley as Rey was superb. Quite the performance. She looks a very talented actress. Not going into details for the simple reason I have no idea how to post behind a spoiler button!!![]()
Can someone explain the bullshit ending to me? I mean I know Star Wars is for children but are we really supposed to believe that Luke has been missing for years and his choice of location was to stand on top of a hill of windy steps for months on end, just waiting for that moment that someone actually came to find him. What has he been eating? Does he not have a shelter or do Jedi's sleep standing up like cows?
And what about fucking R2D2 who had 95% of the entire map THE WHOLE TIME with Luke's whereabouts on it, just sat switched off in the resistance's base? Come on seriously? Star Wars is supposed to be THE film of our time. It was so predictable and thin in places it was ridiculous.
Haha maybe he was just meditating or something! Surely what you're asking about will be revealed next time around? I'm sure we'll learn why he left in the first place.
Less than 6 hours til I get to see it. Cannot wait! I don't think I've ever been this excited to go see a film before.
My son doesn't know we are going yet. Surprising him when he gets home from school. Just been out and bought him Kylo Ren dress up and the lightsaber to match. Yes!
Pretty basic though isn't it, classic walk up long flight of steps and there he is with his back to the camera. No doubt he "saw" her coming via the force.And the R2D2 thing pissed me off.
And while we're at it, isn't becoming a jedi supposed to be hard work? How come the main baddie got mind fucked off Rey who has had zero training? Or out hand zoomed for the light sabre? Or the fact Fin was able to put up a decent fight against him when he was only a storm trooper? Or that Rey could beat him in her first ever fight?
Maybe I'm nit picking but I just expected more from such a film. George Lucas must be rolling in his grave.
just checking how this shit works
Yeah that second one makes more sense. It's hard to imagine people knowing that Vader turned at the last second, there was no one there to see him but Luke.
Ren would have heard about it in the family, or when Luke trained him. Or maybe Luke always kept it to himself, difficult to say and I hope this will be explored down the line.
Anyway I gave it a second watch (don't judge me I've had the Imax ticket for 2 months now), and it actually felt much better when you don't expect Luke to pop out every two seconds. I suggest you give it a shot!
Yeah. The lightsaber battle pissed me off as well. Although it was a really good scene imo it just seriously devalues the force and all that training Kylo had. The only explanation behind it is that Kylo was injured and was seriously weakened, but you'd still expect him to hold his ground.
I think stormtroopers have "saber" training as was evident in the scene when Finn battled one, and Rey already has experience with that huge stick of hers. That + Ren's injury contributed to them standing up to him properly; however, it should have been highlighted better in the movie, as it just looked a bit silly imo.
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